Today I had the opportunity to visit with teachers and staff from Vista High School and the Transition Program. I had not seen some of you since my retirement last June, 2015. To the teachers that met me in Room 8, let me thank you for sharing your concerns.
Don’t forget to VOTE on November 8, 2016:
- Yes on Proposition 55: The Children’s Education and Health Care Protection Act extends current income taxes on the wealthiest Californians (singles earning more than $250,000 and couples earning more than $500,000) for 12 more years. Revenues from Prop. 55 go into the Education Protection Account, a dedicated fund that directs monies to K-12 public schools and community colleges. It will also improve access to health Care programs for low-income children.
- Yes on proposition 58: The California Language Education, Acquisition and Readiness Now (LEARN) will expand opportunities for our students to become proficient in English as their primary language while also having the chance to learn in other languages. Monolingualism is a Curable Disease!
- Yes on Proposition 52: Medi-CAL Funding and Accountability Act. It will help maintain billions of dollars in federal funding to support health care for low-income children and seniors.
- Those residing in West Contra Costa, Yes on Measure T. This is not a new tax, it simply extends the existing parcel tax. Measure T is the ballot question that asks voters to renew the parcel tax that supports public school students in West Contra Costa County. The measure continues the 7.2¢ per square foot of building area that is assessed to local property owners (with exemptions for senior citizens and disabled persons). We must support it even though corporate education privateers will get 20% of the revenue .
You are an integral part of our District and you can count on my support when I am elected to the School Board.
All Power to the teachers!